For those of you who havent got me on any type of social media, I'VE DYED MY HAIR PINK! Well it's supposed to be pink but it's more red haha.
The original idea came from my sister decided she wanted to dye her hair bright blue, so I decided to do the same. (what kind of younger sister would I be if I didn't copy her)
The plan was to have blue ombre - kylie jenner was deffs my inspo - with pink bits showing through, unfortunately, the blue mixed with the pink and made this dark pink/red colour instead. I'm hoping it will fade slightly though. I reckon a lighter pink would look so cool!
Obviously with me having dark hair, I had to bleach my hair first, to get it blonde, before adding any color. So I used the Jerome Russell B Blonde Lightening Kit for medium to dark hair. I basically just followed the instructions in the box, but only applied it to the ends of my hair to create the ombre, making sure that it had a nice fade to it. I had to leave this is for aaaaaages, and then when I washed it out, it was blonde! Part of me wanted to keep it blonde but I decided to add the colour anyway.
The colour I used was the Live Colour XXL Ultra Bright in Rasberry Rebel and Electric Blue As I said earlier, the blue didnt show up very well but the pink did! I left the colour in for about 30 minutes and then washed it out.
At first, I was not a huge fan of the outcome, but the more I look at it, the more I love it!
What do you think about my new hair?
What I'm wearing:
Necklace: Luna, from Fashion Killa's new collection. Available here.
Top: Primark
Makeup: MAC studio fix foundation in NC40. MAC eyeshadows Cork, Woodwinked and Carefree. Sleek Contour kit in medium. Eyelashes bought off eBay. NYC Big Bronzer, MAC blusher in Breezy. MAC lipliner in Fashion Toast. Topshop Lipstick in Beguiled.
Nails: Awol By Topshop
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