Life Update and General Chit Chat :)

So I know I haven't blogged in quite a while and I do honestly apologise for that. my life has been super busy over the last couple of months and I just haven't really had the motivation to sit down and ramble on about new things that I have seen or liked because I have just been so tired all the time!

The last time I blogged was in July, and at that time I had to be strict with myself to just get on with it and get a blog post finished! I have so many unfinished blogs that I do really want to share with you all but just haven't had the time to do it! 

So this is just going to be a massive review of the last couple of months and then what I plan to do in the coming months too :) - Just to warn you, it's going to be a long one, so get comfortable, make yourself a brew and begin! haaha

In July I started my job :) This was two months into the summer holidays and oh my god was i bored! before I started work, my life consisted of sleep, food, and TV. I know, SO BORING! All of my friends were either working, or on holiday so it kind of left me with nothing to do! Okay I actually sound like I had no life! hahah I did have lots of my family around me during the summer (including my baby niece) which was so much fun! But I fell into a routine being at home as I ended up doing pretty much the same thing everyday. But on the 1st of July I started working in a phone shop in town. It was SO good! loved every minute of it! it was daunting though, this was my very first REAL job that I had gone out and got myself and the thought of not knowing anyone scared me. (I say that but I had already met two of the people i would be working with when I had my training, but it was still scary! haha) Everyone at work was so friendly and fun, it just made working there a really good experience. I learnt so much whilst I was there, and it really boosted my confidence as well as I spent the whole day taking to strangers (making conversation with people you have just met is harder than I thought it would have been) but after a week or two, I reckon I got the hang of it! (I hope lol) But yeah, I never thought that working and being on your feet all day would be so tiring! I have a new found respect for those of you work full time! It's hard! hahah But I did meet some amazing people whilst I was there and made some incredible memories so it made all of the hard work and effort worthwhile! 

Then it got to August, so prime wedding season, and it was insane how many close family weddings I had this summer! So in between preparing for all of those (baring in mind there are like 5 different events in Indian weddings) alongside work, I barely had time to even sit down. BUT they were all so much fun and congratulations to all of my cousins who got married this summer! Here is a picture of me and my mummy at one of my cousins wedding reception! 

Although it was all fun, this was a very stressful time for me and I think I became overtired because the week was taken up by work and then the weekends by wedding and other occasions, and I ended up overdoing it slightly and this just meant that if I wasn't working or faffing about with something else, I was asleep! hahah

In the middle of September, It was my 21st birthday! yaaaay I had THE best day. I spent it with my family :) . Had birthday breakfast, did a spot of shopping and then had a party at home with my family :) Seriously just the cutest thing! :) Pictured below is my 'Birthday Selfie' hahhaha i am the worst when it comes to selfies haha

I then started back at uni, this was 3 months after I started working. my circumstances changed and so did my priorities. I moved back to uni and so I had to leave work. I didn't want to leave, but I just had too much work to do. I would never have thought that third year would be this hard! But obviously with it being my final year at uni, I knew that I had to get my head down from the very beginning and work hard! 

Since I have been at uni, there have been various things going on, plenty of birthdays, (including celebrating mine with my friends) meals, shopping trips, the lot! Life has been super duper busy but i have loved it because I have also had some time to myself which is nice :)

So that is my overall review done, hope you didn't get too bored during that! hahaha

Now on to what my aims are for the coming months...

1. Blog more! I have seriously been lacking like no other but I am going to make a concious effort to blog more. To be honest, I don't even know why I stopped, writing this post has been so therapeutic and when I'm writing, I go into this other world and I just feel at peace. (wow cringe) So I will definitely be doing more! Especially being back at uni, and having more time to myself, I'll be able to sit down and write as I do have loads of ideas swimming around in my head!

2. Try new things. I have found that I tend to end up doing the same things over and over again and this gets really frustrating so I have decided to try new things and to just say YES to new opportunities that come my way. This will obviously mean that my blog will venture in a different direction, maybe away from make up and beauty and more towards lifestyle? I'm not sure yet but I guess we will see what happens. I'm just going to go with the flow and see where life takes me :)

3. Be more organised. I like to think that I am organised but in fact I'm really not! hahah. I do have a little diary with key dates in etc. But that's it. I really want to plan more, and especially with uni life being so hectic, I really need to know what is due when and when I have meetings and just stuff like that.

4. Be on time. So if any of you know me, you will know that I am rarely on time to anything! And it has got to a point where my friends tell me to be somewhere half an hour before everyone else, just so that I get there at a reasonable time! It's ridiculous! hahah

5. Be healthy. Obviously with me having to make my own dinner, it usually ends up either being take out, or pasta, pizza, chips, that kind of thing which isn't the best thing to be eating everyday! So I really need to make the effort to cook proper food on a more regular basis and to also go to the gym. I even have gym membership at the gym at uni and it is literally round the corner but I am just too lazy! hahaha Think I've been once in the past 2 months? NOT GOOD.

So yeah that's it really, I think I'll stick to those 5 for now, don't want to go overboard! hahaha Sorry for the massive essay of a blogpost, I'm just making up for the past 3 months! lol

Let me know what you guys have been up to and anything you plan to do over the next couple of months..

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