5 Things: How I am Going to Get Healthy

Now, I am literally the laziest when it comes to working out, and I loooove to eat all the wrong foods, so I have decided that I am going to make a conscious effort to get fit and be healthier.

Here is what I am going to do in effort to get back to the skinny person I once was:

1. Go somewhere scenic. The amount of times I have joined then gym, gone for a week and then quit is insane. I literally have no motivation at all because I get so bored! I have so much respect for those people who can run on a treadmill or use the rowing machine and not get bored! So now that the weather is hopefully going to get better, I will be going for walks (this will soon turn into runs) around a farm which is just behind my house. I'm hoping the change of scenery and the fresh air will keep me motivated.

2. Have a good playlist. This again is to stop me from me from getting bored! I love listening to music whilst working out because I like going to the beat haha! I have made a couple playlists of my own, but most of the times, I just find one on Spotify! It's such a good way to discover new music too!

3. Find a buddy. When I was at uni, I had my two best friends as my gym buddies and we used to go allllll the time and I lost so much weight and felt fab! Since then, I have moved back home, everyone is either working or lives further than walking distance so it's really difficult to get someone to motivate me. BUT my cousin has just moved back home too (she lives literally 2 minutes away from me) and I’m currently in the process of persuading her to come and exercise with me!

4. Get some foodspiration.  I think it is so important to eat the right foods whilst working out. I am the worst for this, I will get back from doing some sort of exercise and then will sit eating Nutella from the jar. Not pretty. So what I have been doing is collecting different recipes from various sites, including Pinterest, you know how much I loooove Pinterest! I have also been following loads of healthy and clean eating people on Instagram, they post loads of recipes on there so I just screenshot it and save it for later!

5. Start Small. No one is going to start exercising one day and be amazing at it. It's a good idea to start off small and gradually do more and more. I have started by cutting down on dairy, I eat a LOT of cheese, and going on short walks, and doing mini workouts that I have found on YouTube in the evenings. But obviously when I build up my strength, I will hopefully be going for a runs and maybe even joining the gym again! Because I know, that if I do too much at once, I will just fail at the whole thing.

Got any tips for getting healthy?


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